
About this Website!

Hiiiii!! Welcome to my Website! So basically my parents always wanted me to code but never really forced it on me, especially my mom. This site is just some sort of blog website for me to express myself freely without any worries at all. I also wanted to make my own website but always used carrd cause I was too lazy to learn, anyways so later I learned about Neocities, asked for a small help from my father and here I am.

FAQ (kinda)

Q: What inspired you to start coding?

A: Idk I was just bored and life was like "LET HIM (her) COOK!!!!!" so yeah rn im cooking fr frrrrrrrr.....

Q: What's your site's theme?

A: Its cutecore or something. Basically a lot of pastel cutesy colors ESPECIALLY pink!

Q: How long have you been coding for?

A: I literally started on 14th April 2024, currently its 15th for me so I JUST started yesterday! AUUUGHH!!!!

I'm lazy lolol

Yo gang I would like to mention that if the layout on mobile or any other browser, device, etc. is broken i will not finish it!!!! this is just a personal site for me, yes its public for other people to check it out but im not gonna fix if on other browsers/devices the layout is broken. Go download Microsoft Edge or Opera GX!!!!!!

im still learninggg helppp